
Blue Zones Project Blueprint

In early 2024, sector committees—comprised of community members focused on each of the sector areas of schools, worksites, community policy, restaurants & grocery stores, faith-based organizations, and individual engagement—came together to create an implementation plan for achieving the strategies outlined in this Blueprint. 

To become a Blue Zones Community®, Petaluma will implement well-being improvement strategies in twelve pillar areas focused on people, places, and policy. Achieving these targets will allow the community to move the needle forward so that positive environmental changes become ingrained in the community and the healthy choice becomes the easy choice for all residents


Values provide a compass that guide our vision, mission, and form strong community connections. Values inform how we do our work, how we are in relationship with each other, and how we navigate challenges and uncertainties that may arise. Blue Zones Project Petaluma upholds the following values:

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Just a friendly reminder from us that you did great today. Don’t forget to take the time this evening to downshift in whatever way feels best for you!Meeting up with friends, taking a nap, going for a walk, or cooking a nourishing meal are all wonderful Blue Zones friendly ways to de-stress at the end of a long day. Which one are you doing this evening? Let us know in the comments!Learn more at bluezonesprojectpetaluma.com#bluezonesproject #bzppetaluma #bluezones #downshift ... See MoreSee Less
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